
Nelson Mandela International Day is an annual tribute to, and in honour of, Nelson Mandela. It is celebrated on his birthday – 18th July.

In South Africa, the idea is on this day to spend 67 minutes giving to those in need. This is determined by one minute for every year of Mandela’s public service. Beginning in 1942 when he first started campaigning for human rights in South Africa, he made a huge imprint on the world for those 67 years. 

This year, Sika SA head office decided to be a part of the celebration by blessing Bhekimpelo Creche in Waterloo, north of Durban. We made the connection through Lisa Smart-Campos, CEO and founder of PINC foundation (People Investing in Needs of the Communities), who met us on the day and took us to the creche.

Given how precious the little kiddies were, and the fun being had by all, we spent well over 67 minutes at the creche. Sika staff pulled together by personally contributing and handing over 40 bags of groceries, toiletries, clothes and toys. The creche staff were in disbelief and incredibly grateful for the donations. Furthermore, Sika SA handed out party-packs, danced, played games and blew up balloons with all the children. They had an absolute ball. In return, we were rewarded with lots of smiles and cuddles as well as a cute singing rendition of “Once I caught a fish alive” - together with a few other Mandela favourites.

A BIG thank you to all who contributed and assisted on the day, ensuring that it was a very successful day.