Are you experiencing damp? Sika has a damp proofing solution that will guarantee you to get rid of your damp for good.
What you will need
- Cemflex®
- Cemflex® Membrane
- Sikalite®
- Portland Cement
- Water
- Wire brush
- Block brush / large paint brush
- Bucket to mix
- Gloves
- Mask
- Mechanical mixer and paddle (quantities exceeding 5l).
Product Information
Before & After
Step 1
All coatings are to be taken off the walls. In severe cases where plaster has deteriorated, walls should be broken back to concrete or brickwork.
Step 2
Entire area should be cleaned and prepared for plasterwork. Once cleaned dampen surface with water, however make sure there is no standing water on the surface.
Step 3
Brush the first layer of the Cemflex® slurry onto the surface and allow to dry, the following day should be long enough. (see datasheet of Cemflex® for mixing instruction and mix ratio.)
Guideline Ratios
Cemflex® Slurry: 1 litre Cemflex® + 1 litre water + 3.4kg Portland cement = 6-8m²
Sikalite®: 1kg Sikalite® to 50kg cement and 2 and half wheelbarrows of good plaster sand
Step 4
Apply a second coat of Cemflex® slurry that will act as a bonding agent and while the second coat is still wet and tacky, apply the plaster where Sikalite® has been added into the mixture.
GOOD TO KNOW: In severe cases sometimes three layers of Cemflex® slurry would be recommended with two layers of plaster.
Step 5
An optional recommendation would then be to brush Sikagard®-905 W on top of the plaster once it is dry. No plaster primer is needed before coating the Sikagard®-905 W onto the plaster.
This system does not prevent rising damp. In cases of rising damp, you may have to treat your floor screed to prevent moisture creep across the floorscreed.