Sika® ViscoCrete®-3626 Ease
Superplasticizer to produce high-quality precast concrete with enhanced rheology
Sika® ViscoCrete®-3626 Ease is one of the latest products developed as a result of our ongoing innovation drive. Based on a new, and patented polymerisation process, Sika® ViscoCrete®-3626 Ease is specifically developed for use in the precast industry. Sika® ViscoCrete®-3626 Ease has been developed to provide an improved concrete rheology without compromising the early strength development of the concrete and improved final concrete strengths.
The polymer structure of Sika® ViscoCrete®-3626 Ease is specially designed to improve the rheology of precast concrete, to allow for very flowable and with low viscosity even at very low water/cement ratios. Robustness, surface finish and retention performance are a distinctive feature of the precast concrete produced with Sika® ViscoCrete®-3626 Ease.
Thanks to its tailored mode of action in concrete, Sika® ViscoCrete®-3626 Ease imparts a level of viscosity within a mix enabling the right balance between fluidity, passing ability and resistance to segregation to be achieved.
- Production of high slump concrete or highly flowable, robust self-compacting concrete having a low water cement ratio along with an optimal rheology.
- Concrete is easier to place and finish.
- Enhanced rheology is maintained from time of mixing to time of placement.
- Insurance that concrete meets original specification
- High quality, durable precast concrete elements
- Improved surface appearance
- Elimination or reduction of the energy required for placing, compaction and curing.
- Enables SCC (Self-compacting concrete) with re-duced fines content.