SikaTard® HCA 10

Cement hydration control system for wet and dry sprayed concrete, grouting and cement injection

SikaTard® HCA 10 is a high quality, liquid, non-chloride chemical admixture which controls the dynamics of cement hydration. It delays hydration by suspending the hydration process and enabling re-activation hours or even days later with no loss of quality in the hardened sprayed concrete.
When dispensed into wet or dry mixes at the batching plant it fully stabilizes the hydration process by forming a protective barrier around the cement particles. SikaTard® HCA 10 can be used with all types of cement minerals (C3S, S3A, C2S, C4AF and gypsum).  
In order to re-activate the hydration process and accelerate the strength gain in mixes stabilized with SikaTard® HCA 10, Sika Sigunit alkali-free accelerator is added at the nozzle or injection point.  

With the use of SikaTard® HCA 10, wet and dry concrete mixes can be kept workable for up to 3 days. This provides considerable benefits in the batching and utilization of the concrete.
  • Fully flexible delivery options for sprayed concrete mixes.
  • No cleaning of pumps or pipes during work interruptions.
  • Complete use of wet and dry mixes – no waste disposal.
  • Time and cost saving.
In addition to these benefits related to its function as a hydration control system, it also provides considerable reduction of rebound and dust.