SikaPlast® PH 3841
Water reducing superplasticizer for the production of high quality day-to-day ready-mix concrete
SikaPlast® PH 3841 is an economical admixture based on modified polycarboxylic ether. The product has been primarily developed for applications in ready mix and site-batched concrete.
SikaPlast® PH 3841 is specially designed to allow for mid to high range mix water reduction while maintaining flexible degrees of slump retention without retardation.
SikaPlast® PH 3841 is free of chloride & low alkali. It is compatible with all types of cements.
SikaPlast® PH 3841 admixture provides the concrete producer with the ability to immediately create the optimal admixture system for changing and fluctuating regional raw materials, environmental conditions and project requirements.
SikaPlast® PH 3841 admixture gives the concrete producer the ability to consistently produce and deliver quality day-to-day concrete.
- Good dispersion even in mixes with high fines
- Improved workability for longer periods
- Lower pumping pressure
- Resistance to segregation even at greater workability
- Good mid-range slump retention
- Reduced water content for a given workability.
- Easier pumpability and place ability.
- Higher ultimate strengths
- Greater ease in finishing concrete