Sika® Antisol®-181

(former MKure 181)

Acrylic resin based multi-role curing, sealing and protective membrane for concrete

Sika® Antisol®-181 is a non-degrading, membraneforming liquid based on acrylic resin suitable for spray application to freshly poured concrete. The resultant film retains sufficient moisture in the concrete to ensure full hydration of the cement; essential for optimum strength development. The cured concrete is typically harder and exhibits a dust free surface with a reduced incidence of drying shrinkage cracks.
Additionally, the membrane acts as a primer system for many subsequent surface finishes that do not rely on penetration for substrate bond.
When applied to floors, Sika® Antisol®-181 seals and dustproofs the surface, eliminating the primary source of abrasion and enhancing durability. Suitable for use in hot and tropical climatic conditions.

▪ 90% efficiency index
▪ Application by hand or power-driven equipment - cost efficient by saving time and reducing labour cost
▪ Effective in all conditions of humidity and temperature
▪ Single application, no further attention is required
▪ The finish and colour of concrete are not affected once the compound has disintegrated under the influence of ultra violet light or abrasion

Sika® Antisol®-181 provides the following beneficial properties to concrete surfaces:
▪ Reduces incidence of plastic cracking
▪ Ensures achievement of desired strengths
▪ Alleviates other costly methods such as hessian-watering, etc.
▪ Reduces dusting
▪ Minimises shrinkage