Sika® Plastiment® PZ 390
Water reducing multi dosage / plasticizer to produce low slump-loss flowable concrete
Sika® Plastiment® PZ 390 is a water reducing, plasticising admixture for the production of low slump loss, high workability concrete.
Sika® Plastiment® PZ 390 is formulated for use over a wide dosage range. Sika® Plastiment® PZ 390 can match the performance characteristics of many superplasticisers at a lower dosage and cost.
At the lower end of the dosage range Sika® Plastiment® PZ 390 will substantially increase and extend workability at a given water cement ratio. Alternatively, the water cement ratio can be reduced whilst maintaining a given slump. The water reduction capability, slump and extension of workability, increase with dosage. At higher dosage rates, Sika® Plastiment® PZ 390 will enable water reductions and the production of flowing concrete normally only available from superplasticisers.
- In areas of congested reinforcement where high workability will ease placement and compaction.
- Hot weather concreting where extension of workability is beneficial.
- To effect reduction in the water cement ratio enabling either higher strength or cement economy.