SikaControl®-501 WT

(former MSeal 501WA)

Crystalline Waterproofing admixture for Concrete

SikaControl®-501 WT is a corrosion free concrete waterproofing admixture used for the treatment of concrete and concrete products.     
SikaControl®-501 WT reacts with the hydration products of cement to form crystals within the pores and capillaries of concrete structures, thereby effectively blocking the passage of water.    
Complete waterproofing is normally achieved within 5 – 7 days from final set. After the crystallisation process has successfully waterproofed the concrete the active chemicals of SikaControl®-501 WT remain dormant in the concrete. Any subsequent contact with water will reactivate the SikaControl®-501 WT sealing process.  

  • Provides total and permanent waterproofing properties.
  • Protects concrete and reinforcement against corrosive waterborne substances.
  • Crystalline action is reactivated by contact with water providing dormant additional protection.
  • Effective against both positive and negative pressure.
  • Non-toxic or tainting.