Wind power has become one of the fastest-growing energies globally and is expected to maintain this upward trend in the coming decade. Wind energy is produced by using kinetic energy of the air in motion transformed into electrical energy by means of a wind turbine. Construction, maintenance and repair of wind turbine farms is critical to their continued operation, energy generation and success.

Today, overall wind capacity exceeds
gigawatts (GW) of energy from wind turbines installed worldwide.¹
Global installed wind capacity is expected to reach over
gigawatts by 2030.¹
Wind power generates over
of the world's energy.¹

Planned Wind Capacity by Region¹

Pie chart showing planned wind capacity by region
Sika has been present in wind projects in
Offshore wind energy will
by 2030.¹

1Source: GlobalData

Systems Plus Knowhow

Steel Tower Grouting

Wind turbine farms, whether onshore or offshore, are located in harsh, isolated environments. Wind turbines can be made of steel, concrete or a combination of both materials.

Therefore, the construction of wind farms requires high quality and high performance products which are able to resist not only static loads but also dynamic loads due to the rotation of the blades. Onsite expert support and knowhow is equally important.

Sika’s expertise in the construction business gives our wind farm customers a complete solution from the foundation to the blades of the wind turbine, including:
Admixtures for concrete
Ultra high-strength grouts
Waterproofing systems
Concrete repair and protection
Sealing and structural bonding adhesives
Technical support and onsite services

Solutions for Wind Farms

1. Onshore Steel Wind Turbines

The use of steel as a base material in wind turbine towers is the most common practice in the market. The main advantages are the speed of erection and the reliability of the designs to be used for many years, especially when the owner, engineer and contractor need a proven wind farm solution for fast, efficient and durable construction. At Sika, we can provide a complete solution from foundation to grouting and protection in order to ensure long term durability.

Requirements for Successful Steel Tower Construction
  • Correct concrete mix design to optimize the foundation
  • Fatigue-certified grouts to withstand and transfer loads from turbine into the ground
  • Durable waterproofing systems capable of resisting impacts or spillage from the nacelle
  • Suitable solutions for repair of damages or cracks in existing concrete
Concrete Construction for Foundations
Sika concrete engineer observing concrete pour for foundation of wind turbine tower

With a complete range of superplasticizers, water reducers, plasticizers, air entrainment admixtures, curing and demoulding agents, the concrete mix will be optimized for the right durability of concrete in the foundation.

Man checking grouting quality

Static and dynamic loads of the wind turbine must be transferred into the foundation. This transfer is partially done through the grout installed under the flange of the turbine. Therefore, the grout must be capable of resisting dynamic loads. The fatigue resistance of the grout material is an important property to take into account, in addition to enhanced mechanical properties like compressive strength, shrinkage or flowability.

SikaGrout® fatigue-certified, cementitious grouts are optimal for joint filling and load transfer from the tower to the foundation.

Concrete Repair
Injection for crack sealing

In steel towers, it is essential to count on a complete range of solutions to repair the concrete foundation or the grout used under the flange.

Sika provides concrete repair mortars specifically designed to repair concrete defects, improve appearance, restore structural integrity, increase durability and extend the structure’s longevity. Sika MonoTop® is suitable as a complete system to repair any defect or damage in concrete.

Sika also has injections that can seal and repair any concrete crack or void. Sika Injection® comprises several technologies to adapt to strength or volume requirements and repair cracks or voids in the cementitious elements of the turbine.

Worker men applying liquid applied membrane LAM waterproofing to foundation of wind turbine

A proven waterproofing system that can stop water from entering into the structure through the foundation is a must in wind turbines. Protection against inclement weather (e.g. freeze-thaw) of the foundation area above ground is also often requested.

SikaProof® is a fully-bonded TPO membrane system which offers customers high waterproofing safety and installation efficiency.

Sikalastic® uses several technologies to enhance mechanical properties and flexibility, particularly at lower temperatures, as well as the capability to cure under a wide range of conditions.

Nacelles and Machine Parts
Nacelle is being mounted on wind turbine

Protecting the wind turbine nacelle from extreme climatic conditions is key to ensure turbine longevity.

Sika offers solutions to seal and bond nacelle covers and elements as well
as a range of smart coatings to protect generator parts from corrosion
and mechanical damage.

Blade Manufacturing
Wind turbine blades on tripods ready to be mounted

For over 20 years, Sika has successfully developed bonding solutions that blade manufacturers have come to rely on, providing a robust and reliable production process that ensures long blade service life even when installed in the harshest conditions.

Wind energy turbine bonded with sika products

2. Onshore Concrete Wind Turbines

The use of concrete as a base material in wind turbine towers is increasing every year. This concrete has special requirements in order to resist massive loads that the nacelle transfers into the tower and down into the foundation. At Sika, we provide a complete solution from foundation, assembly and protection of all concrete parts of a wind turbine to repairs during production of precast elements at the factory.

Requirements for Successful Concrete Tower Construction
  • Highly durable concrete design for precast elements and foundation
  • Complete repair product range for all types of damages to concrete elements
  • Specially designed grouts and structural adhesives for assembling concrete elements
  • Concrete protection coatings to enhance durability
  • Optimized sealing solutions for every type of joint
Concrete Admixtures for Foundations and Precast Elements
Parts of a Steel Tower

With a complete range of superplasticizers, water reducers, plasticizers, air entrainment admixtures, curing and demoulding agents, the concrete mix will be optimized for the right durability of concrete in the foundation and precast concrete elements.

Concrete Repair
Injection for crack sealing

In concrete towers, it is essential to count on a complete range of solutions to repair concrete.

Sika provides concrete repair mortars specifically designed to repair concrete defects, improve appearance, restore structural integrity, increase durability and extend the structure’s longevity. Sika MonoTop® is suitable as a complete system to repair any defect or damage in concrete.

Sika also has injections that can seal and repair any concrete crack or void. Sika Injection® comprises several technologies to adapt to strength or volume requirements and repair cracks or voids in the cementitious elements of the turbine.

Grouting at base of wind turbine

The assembly of concrete elements is generally done using a high-performance grout or structural epoxy adhesive. It is vital for these infrastructures to be built with highly durable products capable of withstanding dynamic loading in harsh, exposed conditions to limit the amount of maintenance required.

SikaGrout® cementitious grout is optimal for filling thick joints and load transfer from the tower into the foundation.

Sikadur® is ideal for structural bonding in thin joints between precast elements.

Concrete Protection
Concrete Towers - Wind Farm

The protection of concrete in harsh environments can extend the service life of the wind turbine structure and limit maintenance needed to reach the desired durability.

Sikagard® comprises a complete range of solutions and technologies that will match the requirement of each wind project.  

Liquid applied membrane LAM waterproofing applied to foundation of wind turbine construction

A proven waterproofing system that can stop water from entering into the structure through the foundation is a must in wind turbines. Protection against inclement weather (e.g. freeze-thaw) of the foundation area above ground is also often requested.

SikaProof® is a fully-bonded TPO membrane system which offers customers high waterproofing safety and installation efficiency.

Sikalastic® uses several technologies to enhance mechanical properties and flexibility, particularly at lower temperatures, as well as the capability to cure under a wide range of conditions.

Nacelles and Machine Parts
Nacelle is being mounted on wind turbine

Protecting the wind turbine nacelle from extreme climatic conditions is key to ensure turbine longevity.

Sika offers solutions to seal and bond nacelle covers and elements as well
as a range of smart coatings to protect generator parts from corrosion
and mechanical damage.

Blade Manufacturing
Wind turbine blades on tripods ready to be mounted

For over 20 years, Sika has successfully developed bonding solutions that blade manufacturers have come to rely on, providing a robust and reliable production process that ensures long blade service life even when installed in the harshest conditions.

Concrete towers being assembled for wind turbine

3. Offshore Wind Turbines

Today, the use of steel as a base material for offshore wind farms is the most common practice due to the reliability of this material in offshore environments. The structures must withstand strong water currents, heavy winds and powerful waves that cause rapid degradation of the structure, all while resisting corrosion damage. Sika provides a complete solution from foundation and assembly to protection of all steel parts of a wind turbine.

Requirements for Successful Offshore Wind Turbine Construction:
  • Durable grouts capable of transferring the complete loads of the tower into the foundation with enhanced fatigue resistance
Grouting 4 legged offshore substation structure in the German sector of the North Sore

The assembly of steel elements is generally done using a high-performance grout for structural connections or medium-range grout for bolted or non-structural joints. It is vital for these infrastructures to be built with highly durable products capable of withstanding dynamic loading in harsh, exposed conditions to limit the amount of maintenance required.

SikaGrout® cementitious grout is optimal for filling thick joints and load transfer from the tower into the foundation.

Nacelles and Machine Parts
Nacelle is being mounted on wind turbine

Protecting the wind turbine nacelle from extreme climatic conditions is key to ensure turbine longevity.

Sika offers solutions to seal and bond nacelle covers and elements as well
as a range of smart coatings to protect generator parts from corrosion
and mechanical damage.

Blade Manufacturing
Wind turbine blades on tripods ready to be mounted

For over 20 years, Sika has successfully developed bonding solutions that blade manufacturers have come to rely on, providing a robust and reliable production process that ensures long blade service life even when installed in the harshest conditions.

Offshore wind turbine towers at sea

4. Offshore Substation

Offshore substations are a common element in large-scale wind farms located far from the coast. They require durable products capable of minimizing maintenance work during the expected life span of the wind farm.

Due to their big size and weight, substations require grout material with lower mechanical strength compared to wind turbines. However, they must withstand strong currents, heavy winds and powerful waves that may cause rapid degradation of the structure, all while resisting corrosion damage.

Requirements for Successful Offshore Substation Construction:
  • Durable grouts capable of transferring the complete loads of the substation into the foundation, and easy-to-install to minimize grouting time
  • Easy-to-apply repair solutions to fight against possible contingencies during installation
Grouting 4 legged offshore substation structure in the German sector of the North Sore

It is vital for these infrastructures to be built with highly durable products capable of withstanding dynamic loading in harsh, exposed conditions to limit the amount of maintenance required.

SikaGrout® cementitious grout is optimal for filling thick joints and load transfer from the tower into the foundation.
